Be More Than Your Age-

Every year I create a list of things I would like to accomplish before my next birthday, and every year I add one more goal to the list based on my age. It started with a 30 by 30 list and has been growing every year. I call it the MTYA List (More Than Your Age List).

  • Coffee with a stranger
  • Meet Jimmy Fallon
  • Go skydiving
  • Beat my husband in tennis
  • Hike and bike as a family
  • Compliment 10 strangers
  • Send 12 thoughtful notes
  • Leave a very generous tip
  • Visit 10 new places
  • Go apple picking
  • Feed a giraffe
  • Watch the sunrise and sunset in a single day
  • Learn to create latte art
  • Attend a NASCAR event
  • Perform at a speakeasy
  • Attend a marriage conference
  • Speak at 4 conferences
Podcast host
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